Programme Logic

Sometimes called a log-frame, this tool helps you develop a clear implementation pathway from research activities to the impact of the research with next and end users and beyond. Along with being an important part of the project planning process it also makes project reporting easier by being a useful framework for monitoring and evaluation.


Why is it important?

  • Using this tool in the design phase of your project will help to develop a logical path from research to impact and provide the indicators (measures) necessary to monitor, evaluate and demonstrate progress towards impact.
  • This tool is valuable in demonstrating to funders the logic of the relationship between the research plan and the expected outcomes.
  • When developed as a participatory process, with the assistance of an independent facilitator, it helps all those involved in the project get a shared understanding of the issues and outcomes.

The video below gives more information about the programme logic tool and how it can be used.



Programme Logic Template

Simple example of a programme logic framework


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