Answering and reacting to concerns raised by stakeholders and public views by adjusting the course of action.
Start by sitting down and working through the self-reflection questions below. Certain questions may require further exploration. This may be in the sense of linking in with other dimensions (see below) or through the use of tools and processes to address any issues that the reflection has surfaced.
Potential questions to ask
How these questions can be addressed
Further aspects to consider are presented below.
Potential methods and tools to engage with this dimension |
Each dimension is not a separate area to work through as a tick-box process. Instead, they should all flow into each other. Working through each of the dimension's self-reflection questions will help you think about the connections you may have missed.
An example of linking responsiveness into a different dimension.
Understanding the different expectations of innovation and research can be essential for the trajectory of your programme/research. This requires both inclusion in the form of ‘transformative mutual learning’ and also greater responsiveness to citizen perspectives.
Explore other dimensions